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IB Spanish B SL

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Practice Exams

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Past Papers

Full worked solutions to all past paper questions, taught by experienced IB instructors.

Course Structure and Content

The IB Spanish B SL assessments are divided intothe Internal Assessment (25%), Paper 1 (25%), and Paper 2 (50%). For the (IA) Individual Oral, students will discuss an image related to the course themes in a 15-minute session. To excel, students need to use varied vocabulary and complex sentences, provide both implicit and explicit descriptions, and connect the image to global issues and Spanish-speaking cultures. Paper 1 requires students to write 250-400 words on a course theme, choosing the appropriate text format (e.g., article, blog, letter) and using the correct tone for the audience. To make their writing stand out, students must include cultural references, relevant details, and well-organized paragraphs. Paper 2 tests students’ reading and listening comprehension through three texts and three audio clips from different Spanish-speaking regions. To prepare, students should practice identifying key ideas, analyzing context clues, and understanding different accents. Strong skills in these areas will help students succeed in the exam.

Tips for Success

Paper 1 Writing

  • Plan before writing
  • Use cultural references
  • Organize your ideas into clear paragraphs and develop all
  • Choose the appropriate register and tone based on the audience of the stimulus
  • Include all the elements and conventions of the text format

Paper 2 Reading and listening

  • Expand your vocabulary- Learn topic-specific terms related to the five IB Themes
  • Practice Active Listening
  • Focus on Context Clues

Individual Oral SL

  • Describe the image
  • Identify the cultural theme and explain the cultural elements
  • Analyze implicit details- suggest possible reasons for the scene or actions in the image
  • Practice describing and analyzing a variety of images related to Spanish-speaking culture

More IB Spanish B Resources