IB Physics HL
IB Higher Level Physics is a comprehensive and challenging two-year course that surveys many core areas of physics with a strong focus on conceptual understanding. The course's experimental aspect builds skills in experiment design and analysis. Graduates of IB HL Physics are very well-prepared for further physics studies beyond high school.
Course Structure and Content
From May 2025, students will write examinations based on the recently published syllabus. The new syllabus covers similar content to the previous one; however, there is one less examination paper and no longer optional topics. A considerable amount of the material from the option topics has been included in the core of the new Higher Level syllabus.

HL Physics students will study topics across five themes: Space, Time and Motion, The Particulate Nature of Matter, Wave Behaviour, Fields, and Nuclear Physics. These themes cover the core concepts of classical and modern physics, including Rotational Motion, Relativity, Thermodynamics, Wave Interference, Electricity and Magnetism, Radioactive Decay, and Quantum Physics. Students are assessed on their understanding through two examination papers administered at the end of the course.
The first HL examination paper contains 40 multiple-choice questions and a 20-mark section that assesses students’ ability to analyze and process experimental data. The second paper of the IB Physics HL course is out of 90 marks and consists of short answer and extended response questions that assess students’ understanding of physics concepts through calculation and written explanation questions.
The practical component of the IB HL Physics course includes an Internal Assessment that consists of a report on an investigation designed and performed by the student.
Tips for Success
- Focus on the key concepts. Once you have a good understanding of the fundamental principles of physics, you can develop the flexibility to break down and answer any question. This can be done by working with the least challenging questions first, as they usually focus on the key concepts in straightforward terms. They can be found at the start of the questions in the Questionbank and also in the lower-leveled Revision Ladders. Only once you have a sound understanding of the key concepts should you move on to working with the more difficult questions.
- Always check your work carefully against the Markschemes provided. The expectations for the terminology and details required in solutions and explanations can be very strict. Be self-critical when comparing your answers to the markscheme, checking carefully to ensure that your response would receive full marks when compared to the markscheme. All Revision Village questions have markschemes similar to those on IB questions, so keep this in mind when working through the problems.
- Practice your timing! Once you become proficient in answering questions, monitor your efficiency in solving the problems. Our Popular Quizzes come with suggested completion times that align well with the time allowed on the IB examinations. Remember, on average, a Paper 1 question should take 90 seconds to solve, and Paper 2 question pacing is just over one minute for every mark.
RV HL Physics is designed to maximize your academic results by providing a large Questionbank and resource set of Revision Ladders, Practice Quizzes, and Mock Exams so that you can complete targeted practice in all areas required for success on the final examination. You can also use the Revision Village App for on-the-go access to the website resources as well as to practice concepts using Flashcards.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is IB Physics HL?
IB Physics Higher Level (HL) is one of the science courses introduced in the current IB Science curriculum (2016 - 2024). The Physics HL course is a traditional science course, whereby students develop a deep understanding of scientific concepts and solve both real and theoretical problems, with and without technology. The Physics HL course should be considered by students who are strong at science, and are interested in pursuing courses and pathways involving science or engineering after their IB Diploma Program.
What are the assessment items in the IB Physics HL course?
The IB Physics HL course consists of four assessment items that contribute to a student’s overall score for the course. There are three exam papers and an internally assessed independent investigation. Paper 1 consists of multiple-choice questions, Paper 2 consists of short-answer questions, and Paper 3 consists of data-based questions, short-answer questions on practical experimentation, and short-answer questions from one option. The use of a calculator is prohibited for Paper 1 but permitted for Papers 2 and 3. A data booklet with useful constants and equations are provided for all three papers.
How should students prepare for IB Physics HL exams?
There are two phases students progress through in their two-year IB Physics HL course: the learning phase and the revision phase. The learning phase occurs in class, with their teacher and textbooks, where students first encounter and explore scientific concepts and consolidate their understanding by solving questions specific to that concept. The revision phase, which is what Revision Village is specifically designed for, is when students consolidate their understanding of all of the concepts in the Physics HL course and appreciate how the concepts are connected. In the revision phase, the most effective strategy is to practice lots of IB Physics HL exam questions to build confidence, reach mastery, and be prepared for the Physics HL examinations.
How does Revision Village support IB Physics HL students?
Revision Village is specifically designed to support IB students in the revision phase of their IB Physics Higher Level course. Revision Village has four main sections, each for different revision purposes: 1) Questionbank: a large library of IB Physics HL exam questions categorised by topic and ordered by difficulty, 2) Practice Exams: a carefully designed set of quizzes and mock papers for students to use in their final phase of revision, 3) Past Paper Video Solutions: step-by-step video tutorials of past Physics HL exam questions, taught by experienced IB Teachers, and 4) Key Concepts: short concise videos that recap the important theory in the Physics HL course. Revision Village is the perfect place for IB Students to learn, practice and prepare for their IB Physics exam stress-free, with all of the resources they need in one place.