IB French B SL
IB French Language B Standard Level (SL) is a demanding course taught over two years. This course is designed for students with little to some previous knowledge of the language. The course provides students with the necessary skills to allow effective communication in every day settings while fostering intercultural awareness. In this course, students learn about the cultural differences amongst French-speaking countries which allows a rich exploration of the language in different contexts. The course is divided into 5 different themes (Identities, Experiences, Human Ingenuity, Social Organization, Sharing the Planet) and several subthemes.
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Practice Exams
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Past Papers
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Course Structure and Content
Students are assessed on their productive skills (Paper 1 Writing), receptive skills (Paper 2 Listening and Reading) and interactive skills (Interactive Oral - Speaking). All assessments are based on the study of the five prescribed main themes : Identities, Experiences, Human Ingenuity, Social Organization, and Sharing the Planet.
Paper 1 French B SL counts for 25% towards the final grade. In this external assessment, students have to write a text of 250 to 400 words from a choice of three tasks. Students have to use complex language and demonstrate conceptual understanding.
Paper 2 French B SL counts for 50% towards the final grade and consists of two separate sections : Paper 2 Reading and Paper 2 Listening.
Paper 2 Reading counts for 25% towards the final grade. In this external assessment, students have to answer a series of comprehension questions based on three texts with increasing difficulty, the last one (Text C) being the first text of French B HL. This assessment is worth 40 marks and must be completed in one hour.
Paper 2 Listening counts for 25% towards the final grade. In this external assessment, students have to answer a series of comprehension questions with increasing difficulty based on three audio texts such as conversations, interviews, podcasts etc. Just like Paper 2 Reading, the last audio recording is the first one of French B HL. Students will listen twice to each audio text. This assessment is worth 25 marks.
The Individual Oral counts for 25% towards the final grade. This assessment is conducted at school but externally moderated by IB. This assessment is divided into three parts. Students first present the visual stimulus that they have chosen during their preparation time, relating it to the relevant theme and establishing cultural links, then answer questions related to it and finally engage in a general conversation based on at least one additional theme of the five prescribed themes. This assessment is worth 30 marks.