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IB English Literature HL

IB English A: Literature HL is a challenging two-year course designed to deepen students' understanding and appreciation of prose fiction, prose non-fiction, drama, and poetry. Students explore the relationship between texts, the contexts in which they are created, and the dynamic interaction between readers, writers, and texts across time and space. This demanding course develops advanced academic reading, writing, and speaking skills, with students expected to engage in thoughtful and sophisticated analysis and interpretation throughout the program.

Course Structure and Content

IB English A: Literature HL students study at least ten literary works during the two-year course. The course emphasizes a deep study of literature and fostering critical thinking skills. Students focus on deep analysis and interpretation of how authorial’ choices shape meaning in relation to themes and global issues. HL students are assessed through four key components: Paper 1, Paper 2, the Individual Oral, and the Higher Level Essay.

In Paper 1, students respond to two literary extracts and provide a detailed analysis answering a guiding question. Paper 2 is consistent across all levels, where students must respond to one of four prompts by crafting a comparative literary essay that draws on two studied works. The Individual Oral consists of a 10-minute presentation followed by a 5-minute Q&A session with the teacher, during which students must discuss one work originally written in English and one translated into English, connecting them to a relevant global issue. Lastly, students must complete the Higher Level Essay, a 1500-word literary essay centered around a Line of Inquiry developed by the student.